Tag Archives: outfits


to say this summer went by quickly would be the understatement of the century. you see, i’m still recovering from my post-student days, where things would slow down in the summer rather than speed up. yes, i’ve been working full-time most summers (with one exception) for nearly a decade now, but never as intensely as this year. in june, it really didn’t look like it would be that way… but hey! a summer election campaign and your colleagues taking their summer vacations will give you a lot more to do!

i know, i know, everyone finds the summer goes by too fast. i just wanted to give you a bit of context for these very belated outfit posts. spending far more time at the office did not mean i toned down my warddrobe or forgot to take outfit photos! it simply meant it wasn’t until now that i found the time to share them with you.

let’s begin with june.

as i mentionned earlier, i started the summer with a haircut and a trip overseas. before hopping on a plane, i checked out the

i had the chance to have a sneak peek back in may, but was so excited to see it when it officially opened in june. in the end i visited the museum three times this summer to try and take it all in, and am very glad i did. you can listen to my radio report on it if you missed it.

wearing: thrifted dress from value village, 10$
sandals: hush puppies on sale

the summer also means high-time for yard sales, flea markets and church basement bargains. while riding my bike one sunday i came across a particularly awesome yard sale and picked up this stunning 1960s wiggle dress for a whopping 6 dollars. it is a wee bit snug for me (but aren’t all wiggle dresses?) but i simply could not resist for that price. one of my smaller-hipped vintage-loving friends might be able to give it a good home if i don’t end up wearing it enough.

dress: vintage, thrifted shoes: thrifted ages ago photobooth bag from meags fitzgerald

dress: vintage, thrifted
shoes: thrifted ages ago
photobooth bag from meags fitzgerald

simon and i in his favourite colours: black and white

simon and i in his favourite colours: black and white

even though we live together, simon and i try to make date nights a priority. not just hanging out, but getting decked out to the nines for no particular reason at all and enjoying the sights and sounds of our gorgeous city. i didn’t get the best photos of my outfit, but believe me we turned heads that night.

dress, vintage 1960s from courage my love in toronto. 1960s handbag thrifted.

so there’s june: i’ll be sharing photos from july and august shortly. thanks for looking!


Filed under fashion, personal, vintage, what i wore today

spring has sprung: what i wore today

hanging out in the alps

i’ve got so many ideas and words running around in that head of mine, and for a rare occassion, a bit of time to work on them. it feels really good. but! before i start posting a million new conversations, i’ve got an obscene back-up of outfits from january, february, and march. let’s start with the surreal weather that’s hit most of ontario and quebec for the past two days.

you see, in québec city, spring doesn’t really feel like it’s here until april. mid-march is often the time of year where i long for the southern ontario springs i’ve known and loved, where the sun beats down on the happy folks drinking pints on the freshly opened patios around mid-march. but this year, for the first time in 65 years, we’re reaching double digit temperatures before spring has even officially arrived!

march 18th

yesterday was one of those deliriously joyful early spring days, where i squeal at all the adorable passing puppies, laugh at the melting snowbanks, and want to stay outdoors until the sun sets. look! bare legs! no winter boots! GRASS!!! suffice to say, i dressed for the occasion and took a long stroll around my beautiful city.

allthatglitters01 emu

outfit details: everything thrifted over the years except for the hat and shoes
hat: mino delavictoire, borrowed from simon’s generous friend marie-hélène
shoes: hank & co.

we strolled around st. roch, and i stopped by one of my favourite antique stores and oggled some particularly impressive couches… that happened to match my hat.



cute my neighbourhood

highlights: a big great dane wearing a red cape (yes, cape), strangers telling me they loved my hat, a gorgeous young woman with my little pony lilac hair (who i stopped to tell her i adored, of course). last but not least, laughing ridiculously with simon as a result of this image:

i hope it made you chuckle as well.

singing off for the most recent me me me me me post, julia.


Filed under currently, self-portraits, what i wore today