september: fresh start

a photo of julia, a young femme presenting person, standing next to a silver graffiti that reads SMILE. she is not smiling.

i’ll be the first to admit, i’ve fallen off the wagon. i promised myself i wouldn’t become one of those bloggers who starts off every blog post by apologizing about how they haven’t been blogging lately… but looky here. i have valid excuses, however. i’ve been working full-time (researching, writing, and reporting for a local radio station that i love) and i’ve let myself get wrapped up in it. not to mention a whole bunch of other summer adventures i won’t mention quite yet.

poster by flexib, for the “something from the meatcase, linda?” tour

since i last posted, my life has changed a whole lot; namely for the good. scratch that, namely for the exceptional. august brought nearly everyone i hold near and dear to me to one of my favourite places in the world. i caught up with old friends, the wonderful salima and helped throw together an event for the amazing karol who was on tour with a bunch of friend. two of my best friends in québec city moved to greener pastures (guelph and yarmouth, respectively), and i’m starting to miss them lots. hurricane irene hit me surprisingly hard, breaking my camera and ripping the electrical wiring out of my house. eleven days without power helps put things into perspective, let me tell you. not to mention, since i last posted i’ve lopped off 14 inches of hair and gotten a new pair of specs. i’ve got a lot of thoughts i want to put to paper (what’s new?!) but in the meantime i felt like i should assure you the dead air is not a bad thing. it means things are good.

without further ado, here’s some photos of how i look these days!

photos of julia walking down a staircase, and smiling in the sun

– slip worn as a dress thrifted from emmaüs, 5$
– vintage (deadstock) blue cardigan, free from le vestiaire. i would bestow upon it the title of BEST cardigan ever if only it had pockets. it’s got these great scallopped edges
new glasses from clearly contacts which set me back a whole 10$. best sale ever.

a close up portrait of julia wearing large cat eye glasses looking at the camera

earrings by anne-louise laflamme snatched at le coeur de loup flea market. i’ve always enjoyed her designs but it wasn’t until i spotted her latest record ones that i found a pair i felt suited me to a t. similar ones here.

bag thrifted from value village in ste foy, summer 07. if only i had one in every colour of the rainbow!

the buttons are both gifts from wonderful friends: typewriter from karina and hand reading pin from sves.



Filed under hair, vintage, what i wore today

10 responses to “september: fresh start


  2. Ah, I love your new glasses! They look so great on you. I also love the colour combination with the slip and the cardigan.
    -Andi x

  3. You look AMAZING. I am so in love with your new hair and new glasses! Fab colour combo (I want that purse gah) and also potentially weird/creepy comment but in those two square portraits you remind me of how I imagine what my kick ass aunt would’ve looked in the seventies and I have been trying to express how I love your smile but I would venture into even more creepster territory and though I’ fine with that I’ll just say that I love it.

    • thanks eline! i must say you’re quite an inspiration when it comes to wearing bold colours. i’ve definitely worn an outfit or two and hesistated that it might be too flashy, and wondered, “would eline wear this?” the answer has been yes and the results have been awesome.

  4. typicalgirlink

    You look awesome and the haircut is absolutely divine.

  5. pino

    Your new haircut is so cute!

  6. I just want to say that I’m really happy that you exist. I love your blog, I love your brain, and I love your hairy pits.

  7. !!!! You are looking so inspiring. Love the cut, love the glasses, and as always, love your awesome clothing finds.

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